Dec 28, 2021
Matt has moved onto options trading. He reviews his current strategies of wheel and iron condors. He also brings up Peloton, r/antiwork, and the changing work environment.
The Best Investing TikTok of the Year
Finfluencer is a Terrible Word
© 2021 Matt Simpson. ...
Jun 29, 2021
Matt got smoked twice in two weeks. He returns from Vegas with observations on how hosts need to change their customer service to keep customers in the sales funnel, why having an opinion without facts isn't cool, and child tax credits.
Jun 15, 2021
Matt has been holding on to a long position in CHFJPY for a week now. Blockchain is now rocking center stage, businesses need to reconnect with clients, and we know why housing prices have skyrocketed.
Jun 7, 2021
Matt had a better week trading but got caught not moving his trailing stop. Amazon is hiding their next day delivery promise, people notice the 10% of work that is loud, and China will need baby formula.
© 2021 AllenFX LLC. All rights...
May 25, 2021
Matt returned to being a terrible trader. He has a problem with a guy from 17 years ago, doesn't trust the banks, saw what you saw regarding crypto last week, and wants to profit from President Biden's proposed infrastructure bill.